Weekly Update Nov 23 - 27

Posted On Wednesday November 25, 2020

Southwood Weekly Update/Mise à jour hebdomadaire
Week of Nov. 23rd – 27th, 2020

November is: Albanian Heritage Month and Hindu Heritage Month


Gifted Screening

Durham District School Board Gifted Program
The Durham District School Board’s has a screening process for Gifted and potential consideration for self-contained Gifted classes for identified intellectually gifted students beginning at the Grade 4 level at host elementary throughout the region.
The core curriculum as determined by the Ontario Ministry of Education remains the same, but the teaching methods are differentiated to meet the needs of the gifted learner. The self-contained programme has been carefully designed to meet the strengths, needs, learning styles and interests of the gifted learner.
The Ontario Ministry of Education defines giftedness as “an unusually advanced degree of general intellectual ability that requires differentiated learning experiences of a depth and breadth beyond those normally provided in the regular programme to satisfy the level of educational potential indicated.”
The DDSB offers a screening of the CCAT7 for students in Grades 3 or higher.
Please be aware that you may nominate your student in Grade 3, or any subsequent grade.
Students may take the test with the DDSB no more than twice.
If you are interested in nominating your child this year, email your school SERT the nomination form at: email our school SERTS the nomination form at: mailto:carole.dumouchel@ddsb.ca or mailto:shereen.patel@ddsb.ca by November 30th, 2020. Late nominations will NOT be accepted. Title your email “Nomination for Gifted Testing 2020”.

Internet Safety
As our students get older and start to use personal technology such as phones or tablets, it becomes increasingly important for parents to keep on top of their child(ren)’s online activities.
Parental guidance is critical to influencing beliefs and shaping values around the use of social media in the context of pre-teens developing healthy relationships with their friends and peers.
When Peers or Friends are Being Bullied
Often, youth aren’t sure what to do when a peer or friend is being bullied and feel that being silent is the answer. They may think: it’s not my problem, they aren’t my friend, I don’t really like them anyway, they deserve it, I don’t want to make it worse by bringing attention to it, I don’t want to be targeted next, etc.
It’s important for youth to have a variety of options for ways they can stand up against the mistreatment of others and this needs to be reinforced by adults. You can encourage a range of actions that include:
• Refusing to participate (including not “liking” or forwarding harmful messages) and removing themselves from the situation
• Including the person being bullied in school groups, what your child is doing at lunch, etc.
• Challenging hurtful messages with responses such as, “That’s not cool,” “I think they are awesome,” etc.
• Letting the person who is being mistreated know how they are being treated is wrong and that it’s not okay
• Going to a safe adult to let them know what is going on



Mon., Nov. 23rd - Day 3

Tues., Nov. 24th - Day 4

Wed., Nov. 25th - Day 5

  • International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Thurs., Nov. 26th - Day 1

Fri., Nov. 27th - Day 2



Upcoming Dates…
Nov. 28th - Holodomor Memorial Day
Nov. 29th - First Day of Advent (Christianity)
Nov. 30th – Guru Nanak Jayanti (Sikhism)
Have a great week!!!